
  1. T

    Gedanken zu einer Migration von VMware

    Moin, ich habe mich schon umgeschaut und habe keinen Thread dieser Art gefunden, daher erstelle ich einen Neuen. Sollte das nicht passen, bitte löschen. :) Während meines Praktikums habe ich die Möglichkeit bekommen, verschiedene Migrationsmöglichkeit von VMWare zu Proxmox zu testen. Dies...
  2. A

    Device flags for `qm ovfimport`?

    Hi, I have a grip of ovf exports from a couple ESXi servers I need to import into Proxmox, and I was wondering if people have recommendations for flags to use during the import process I added devices manually on the first VM, which will be a pain if I have to do the next 10-12 of them that...
  3. D

    [SOLVED] Copying VM-Data via OVFTool

    Hi, i have still a lot to learn about ProxMox and Linux. Here is my question. I have successfully migrated a handful of VM's from VMWare to ProxMox now. I always followed Guide's online. On the ProxMox Server i used to go into /root/vmware and executed: "/usr/bin/ovftool...
  4. Z

    Import EFI-based Linux VMs from ESXi to Proxmox

    Hello, I'm migrating my homelab from ESXi 6.7 to Proxmox 7 using the ofvtool. I didn't have any issues with bios based VMs, but I hade some appliances deployed that has efi bios by default and I'm getting this error from ovftool when i launch the copy: - Line -1: Unsupported value 'firmware'...
  5. L

    [SOLVED] Live migrations failing: Error 255 (for OVFTOOL/ESXi imported VMs)

    G'day there, With the help of the Proxmox community and @Dominic we were able to migrate our ESXi VMs across to PVE - thank you! https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/migrating-vms-from-esxi-to-pve-ovftool.80655 (for anybody interested) The migrated (ex-ESXi) VMs are now part of a 3-node PVE...