openvpn server

  1. A

    OPenVPN Access Server

    I am extremly new to Proxmox and ran into the issuie where I installed OpenVPN in an ubuntu VM and now cant access the webinterface trhought the ip addres it gave me in the command line. while it worked immediatly with the truenas webinterface. I just dont really know where to look for a fix...
  2. A

    user and password after openvpn LXC container install

    Hi all, I followed the guide for installing openvpn in my proxmox, but when I try to enter in container console the pve root and passw are not accepted. From pve shell with pct enter it goes... but none from container console. Thanks !
  3. P

    OpenVPN error in syslog

    Jul 14 20:05:53 pve audit[1140966]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" class="mount" info="failed perms check" error=-13 profile="lxc-101_</var/lib/lxc>" name="/run/systemd/unit-root/" pid=1140966 comm="(openvpn)" srcname="/" flags="rw, rbind" Jul 14 20:05:53 pve kernel: audit: type=1400...
  4. B

    OpenVPN in LXC container - no connection posible

    Hey friends of Proxmox, I am trying to get OpenVPN running in a lxc container. I followed this guide: My Problem is, that I can't establish a connection to the vpn server. I'm trying to connect from my iPhone via cellular. The error I receive on the...
  5. A

    [SOLVED] ProxMox OpenVPN cannot connect

    First I would like to apologize for my English. I have server with installed ProxMox 7.1-10 and maked CT from template debian-10-turnkey-openvpn_16.1-1_amd64.tar.gz. The server has 4 IP's, configured PREROUTING and POSTROUTING nat rules for translate network from vmbr0 to vmbr1 and reverse. #...
  6. L

    Proxmox 7.1 + OPENVPN Info

    Hi guys I just checked this but i find it very incomplete. -No start / stop commands info -No auto-start on boot info -No "how to access openvpn webgui" info Basically this tutorial is useless for me. Anyone can help or provide me a complete...
  7. D

    openvpn server in vm tcp/udp trafic problem

    all versions of soft and OS are actual 1) openvpn server is installed on vm with freebsd (connected to network with default linux bridge) 2) I connect to it with no problem (from outside the network by mikrotik dst-nat or from inside the network directly) 3) from vpn client I can ping the host...
  8. S

    [SOLVED] Unable to VPN into VM

    Hi there, I've been trying and researching this now for a good month and finally need some help. So, I've setup proxmox 6.1 and have 5 VM's, this server will be used in a small office environment. I have VM1 pfSense as firewall/gateway (not working) . VM2 Zentyal as Domain Controller (working)...
  9. P

    [SOLVED] OpenVPN ins hinterliegende LAN

    Ich habe eine normale Ubuntu-VM (kein Container) mit der Standard-Netzwerkkarte (vmbr0) sowie einem dort installiertem OpenVPN. Eine VPN-Verbindung vom Handy aus funktioniert, jedoch erreiche ich die anderen VM`s sowie das Home-Netzwerk nicht. Nur die Dienste des OpenVPN-Servers selbst. Auf dem...
  10. S

    Much higher CPU utilization when NIC is virtualized comparing to pass-through

    Lately I am trying to optimize the OpenVPN transfer performance of my VM router inside PVE. I have a 2-port NIC (Intel X550-T2, but the infrastructures are 1 Gbps) and they act as the WAN (port1) and LAN (port2) for my router VM (running ClearOS, a CentOS variant). I tried two configurations...
  11. E

    openVPN in the LXC

    Hello, I installed openVPN on the CentOS 7 in LXC but I can't start this service. I getting this error: What can I do for it?
  12. T

    Poor network performance with Zeroshell VM

    Hi Everyone, I am using a OpenVPN server (Zeroshell 3.8.2, Linux distribution) on a Proxmox VM environment (enterprise repo). The problem is that the vm has really poor network performance on a full Gb network. Best (unexpected) results are with Intel e1000 and vmxnet3 driver, but we are...