
  1. U

    Entra ID and Console Access

    So I have Entra ID setup for the web GUI as an OIDC realm. This is working well, wish SAML and SCIM was implemented, but it is what it is. One gap I am finding is console access to do updates and such still require the root login to work. Is there a way to setup Entra ID/OIDC integration for...
  2. B

    OIDC Request failed (500) with Authentik

    Dear community, I have this issue while configuring SSO with Authentik and here are my configs: I have tried installed the Authentik self-signed CA into Proxmox but the problem still remains:
  3. L

    shell access for oidc user

    Hi, I logged in via open id connect and want to access the shell of my node. It asks me for the login but it seems that my username and password are wrong. If I log in as root user it does not ask me for login. How can I access the shell as the open id connect user? The user has all permissions...
  4. W

    OIDC Token question

    Hey Folks, New to Proxmox and was trying to poke around the API. I stumbled on a openid path ("/api2/json/access/openid") which holds 'auth-url' and 'login' endpoints. Does anyone have experience in using these endpoints to get a API ticket? I currently have working OIDC setup with Google and...
  5. T

    failed to parse server response using OIDC with Hashicorp Vault as provider

    I'm having issues configuring Hashicorp Vault as an OIDC realm provider for PVE. Once configured, I'm getting the following error when I try to login: OpenID redirect failed. Failed to parse server response (500) This is the realm configuration: openid: vault client-id <REDACTED>...
  6. D

    AD group to Proxmox group mapping when using OpenID Connect (OIDC)

    I am using OpenID Connect to use AD accounts to access to my Proxmox installation. I configured it using this tutorial. Works well :) At the moment, users login with their AD accounts and then I manually assign them membership to groups in Proxmox. I would like to use AD groups to grant...
  7. F

    [SOLVED] OIDC - Optional Prompt Parameter

    Hello together, we're using a current Proxmox 7 Cluster in combination with OpenID Connect. During the last weeks the forced login using the parameter prompt=login got more and more annoying. Are there any plans/options to make this param optional so a potential session at the OIDC Provider...
  8. G

    V7 and OIDC authentication - missing info on documentation & other issues

    Proxmox 7 has introduced OpenID-Connect authentication which enables us to go on the path of federated login. However for all the different Identity provider solutions the option will have to get ALOT more flexible. Options at the moment are soo limited they are constricting to a single IDP...
  9. P

    PVE 7: OIDC discovery via HTTP proxy

    Hi, just upgraded one of our servers to PVE 7.0 without any major issues. Then wanted to enable the new OIDC SSO integration but ended up only with timeouts. We're running in a quite restricted corporate environment, all requests to the "outside" (including those to the corporate IDP) must...