novnc console error

  1. D

    NoVNC crashed (Error 1006) after failed upgrade

    During the execution of the upgrade process via GUI, my browser crashed. Since this happend, I am unable to use the NoVNC Console on the node. The error code shown in the console is sometimes "Error 1006". Most of the time the console window shows just "connecting" followed by "disconnecting...
  2. G

    noVNC Error 401: No Ticket

    Hi, I'm trying to fix a fork of Blesta for Proxmox "habibulilalbaab/module-proxmox" but on the page to view noVNC I don't understand why it gives me Error 401: No ticket, and I keep trying to open that url gives me error "401: Permission denied - invalid csrf token, even if I refresh the page...
  3. T

    After installing PVE, install openwrt, unable to open the console

    When openwrt is installed after installing PVE, the console cannot be opened The prompt is as shown in the figure I hope you can help me
  4. C

    cannot connect to console of VM's from proxmox gui

    Hi there, I setup a proxmox 3 node cluster and everything is working fine, except that I cannot connect to the console (noVNC) of my VM's on node 2 and 3. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and cant find a solution for this. Connecting to the console of containers works on every node, but...
  5. T

    Ubuntu 20.04 VM - noVNC - Authentication failed

    Hallo, ich habe auf meiner Ubuntu 20.04 die Fehlermeldung sobald ich auf eine VM-Konsole "noVNC" gehe. Verbindung wurde aus folgendem Grund abgelehnt: Authentication failed" Frage an @admin - Ich habe hier leider keine Erfahrung wieviele User hier sind. Soll ich das evtl. im Englischen...
  6. J

    NoVNC Problem

    [SOLVED] Hi, ich habe aktuell das Problem, dass sobald ich eine Konsole öffne und dann dort reinklicke, dass die Connection sofort closed ist und abbricht. Kann mir hier jemand helfen?
  7. M

    [SOLVED] noVNC - Error: Permission denied to access property Symbol.toPrimitive

    I have a two canvas blocker addons enabled, when I disable the console works again. I was using this addon for months without issues in FF+Proxmox until now. I re-enabled one of the addon and it works, I leave this post just in case. - - - - - It was working a few moments ago on the console, I...
  8. D

    noVNC Fehler nach Update von 5.2-1auf 5.2-5

    Hi Proxmox Forum, meine noVNC console zeigt mir folgenden Fehler an, seit dem Update auf die jüngste Version (ich hätte ein Bild eingefügt, aber darf keine externen Links angeben): noVNC encountered an error: TypeError: ctrl is null
  9. R

    noVNC with Proxmox nginx IPv6 Problem

    Hi, I have the problem that i can't use noVNC with Proxmox 5.1 and nginx. i always have blank screen but i used this config but still the same error, if used the adress over port 8006 direct, i have no problems. is there any fix for...
  10. S

    NOVNC Login nicht möglich

    Hallo liebe User :) Ich habe Aktuell ein Problem mit NOVNC Kunden können ihren NOVNC Client im Kundenbereich nicht nutzen siehe Bild " Kundenbereich" Allerdings Funktioniert es im Adminbereich auch nicht Siehe Bild "Adminbereich" Normal über die Console komme ich drauf wenn ich die VM Manuell...
  11. J

    NoVNC Problems: "Server disconnected (code: 1006)" in Safari, Firefox works

    I'm getting really strange behavior with the NoVNC console in PVE (4.4.40-1). Currently, when I try to view a VM console, I get the following results with different browsers: Chrome: The status bar says "Connected (encrypted) to: QEMU...", but I just get the stock VNC grey screen with the...
  12. M

    Critical security bug in NoVNC console

    Today, I was editing a product in WHMCS, and by "mistake" I saved the order with the "Server:" selected as another node, that it should really be. What happened after was horrible, because the user opened his console, and the was connected to another VM on another NODE, seeing the whole...
  13. S

    novnc console error. "command '/bin/nc6 -l -p 5901 -w 10 -e '/usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 102 2>/dev/null'"

    Hi. Fresh install proxmox 4.4. Restore from backup 2 nodes, and create one more. Try to connect from web novnc and see this error "command '/bin/nc6 -l -p 5901 -w 10 -e '/usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 102 2>/dev/null'' failed: exit code 1" But console host proxmox is workfrom web. No rules in Firewall...