nfs server

  1. P

    Kernel 6.8.x NFS server bug

    Hi, I'm having trouble after upgrading with NFS. It's literally crashing every time, I'm still gonna try 6.8.8 but I might need to switch to 6.5 if there is still no fix for this. 2024-09-11T19:22:31.190378+02:00 server2 kernel: [72134.823446] INFO: task nfsd:2056 blocked for more than 1228...
  2. F

    Remove all traces of old NFS connections

    Hi, In the syslogs I am seeing continuous entries on the main node only in a Cluster attempting to connect to NFS servers that do not exist anymore, I removed these NFS shares months ago. Below is a sample of the syslog. Can anyone advised were to look to remove all old traces of NFS client...
  3. S

    nfs-kernel-server in LXC, Dienst startet nicht mehr nach PVE-Update

    Hallo, ich nutze seit über einem Jahr Proxmox VE. Bisher ohne Probleme. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich meine gesamte virtuelle Umgebung dorthin umgezogen. Nun habe ich letze Woche eine Subscription erstanden und heute morgen den Updateprozess von PVE gestartet. Das lief auch alles ohne...
  4. L

    NFS-Server in LXC

    Hallo zusammen, von Turnkey habe ich mir den Mediaserver geholt und damit einen Container erstellt. In diesem habe ich noch eine komplette Partition gemountet, die die ganzen Multimediadaten beherbergt. lxc.mount.entry: /media/sdb1 /var/lib/lxc/303/rootfs/media/multimedia none bind 0 0 Diese...
  5. Carsten Bleek

    (yet another) NFS: storage is not online (500)

    Hi, Im running a 2 node Proxmox 4.4 Cluster at OVH. NFS Server is running on node3. The share can be mountet on both nodes. But the storage is only available on the node3 (where the nfs server is running locally) I noticed, that a "pvesm nfsscan" on node2 takes much more time, than on node3...
  6. O

    Backup NFS Server

    Hi to all, I'm a newbie in Promox. I'm testing some features before apply this kind of OS in clients. In my lab I have two Proxmox Servers as nodes. On Server1 I got all my VM's and I will use Server2 as Backup Server. On Server2 I already configure as NFS Server...
  7. A

    Three Node Cluster Setup recommendations

    Hi, I’m planning to deploy a three node cluster setup with Proxmox 4.3, Basically I want to use the following servers: Proxmox Servers Two Dell R710 with 128GB RAM, two xeon quad core CPU, and two sas 300gb 15k in Raid 1. One Dell R710 with 64GB Ram, two xeon quad core CPU, and two sas...
  8. N

    [SOLVED] NFS Server on Proxmox Host

    I'm trying to share a directory on the proxmox server via NFS to other clients on the network and to virtual machine clients on Proxmox. drive to be shared /dev/sdb1 mounted on /data in /etc/fstab: /data /srv/nfs4/data none bind 0 0 in /etc/exports: /srv/nfs4...