nfs freenas

  1. T

    NFS share not letting containers read or write when mounted through the webGUI

    So I have been trying to get an NFS share to work on my proxmox containers to use them to backup our websites and also the containers that the websites are on. So far I can get both the PVE and also the containers to see the NFS and read and write to it with mount when logged into each container...
  2. G

    NFS Shares hanging-on one of our PVE Hosts

    Hello, One of our Proxmox hosts is not able to connect to NFS shares anymore. Which process on that host need to be killed to for NFS shares to be reconnected? I’d reboot the NFS server which is TrueNAS but, it didn’t fix the issue. I want to avoid rebooting the PVE host as it is a production...
  3. R

    Error adding NFS storage from FreeNAS share

    I am trying to add nfs storage to a pve node from a FreeNAS share. Details of the FreeNAS share (/mnt/pinepool/pineshare) are as follows: owner: nobody group: nogroup 775 permissions set recursively Mapall user: nobody Mapall group: nogroup When I attempt to add the nfs storage, I get the...