multiple backups

  1. V

    Summary Graphics breaks during backup of VMs

    Greetings friends of the proxmox community I have a question. I have a nightly backup task of my virtual machines, but I realized that the graph of cpu, ram memory and network usage. They all kind of break. Do you know what it means? Attach an image of the server
  2. 3

    Multi Backup Restore Script?

    Is their a script or easy way to have ProxMox restore multiple backups at a time? I saw the cli for pct and also wondering if a bash script could handle it? Currently I have only found to be able to do this one at a time.
  3. L

    /etc/vzdump.conf value being ignored ?

    Hello forum, I'm trying to enable the possibility of having multiple backups for a VM. I have edited the /etc/vzdump.conf file and added maxfiles: 5 at the bottom of the file. The contents of the file are now as follows... # vzdump default settings #tmpdir: DIR #dumpdir: DIR #storage...