
  1. R

    Problems getting full functionality on the mail gateway.

    So I know that the title is fairly generic, I have a lot of stuff here that will take time to read. So the TLDR is, I can either receive mail on the server, or see the mail being registered on the gateway, but never both. I have conducted various tests to try and narrow down what the precise...
  2. K

    [SOLVED] Repositories not implemented (501)

    Hallo zusammen, bei meinem PMG bekomme ich unter Administration -> Repositories folgende Fehlermeldung: Method 'GET /nodes/localhost/apt/repositories' not implemented (501) Anbei noch Infos zur PMG: pmgversion -v proxmox-mailgateway-container: 6.4-1 (API: 6.4-4/1c8a73c7, running kernel...