lxc contaier error

  1. M

    Privileged LXC group IDs different to host after restore

    Hi, I have just done a clean install of PVE 8.1.3 after changing some hardware in the host. I have restored my Plex LXC and some of the groups have different IDs in the container than the host which is breaking my GPU transcoding. The render group is ID 107 in the LXC but 104 on the host. On...
  2. F

    LXC container crashed and wont start

    Hi, On my server I have 2 disk. One where I have proxmox system(and some free space) and second with LXC container. While I was adding another partition to my system disk LXC crushed. After some digging I came to conclusion(don't know if good one) that my system rebooted and mounted partition...
  3. A

    [SOLVED] Web Proxmox, all LXC and VM's are down after update and reboot (PVE8)

    Hi everyone, After applying latest updates all of my containers, VM's and proxmox web instance are down. I've already done some research on Forums on what could help, but no luck there. Here are some logs and findings. I'm able to ssh to machine. I'm also getting ILO connection. :~# lxc-ls -f...
  4. U

    [SOLVED] LXC: 'network is unreachable' on some templates

    Hello! I have recently set up a PVE 8.0 workstation, with the following network configuration: [WAN] | [router] | (enp3s0) | [[PVE host]] / \ (vmbr0) (vmbr1) | / \ [OPNsense VM] [all VMs and CTs] where vmbr0 is a...
  5. D

    do_start: 1272 Failed to setup container "100" sync_wait: 34 An error occurred in another process (expected sequence number 4) __lxc_start: 2107 Faile

    Proxmox 8, freshly installed at this night on hetzner bare metal server https://www.hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver/ex44 . Old LXC containers whic I've restored from backup don't work to. The next log and screenshots are from newly created LXC container: lxc-start 110 20230701090146.130 INFO...
  6. A

    LXC Unpriviledged container newuidmap not allowed

    Hi all, I'm running an unpriviledged container that has two users defined: root (uid=0) and docker (uid=1000). I need to share an NFS folder between the proxmox host and the guest container so I would like to map the proxmox user user2 with uid 1005 in the docker container user with uid 1000...
  7. K

    Yet another can't start LXC containers (Proxmox 7.2-14)

    Hi. I've been traversing this forum for hours trying to fix my broken server. Here's the story After a restart the CT containers couldn't start - only VM starts I installed all updates, and restarted - same problem. I tried to restore a backup of one of the containers, which led to it being...
  8. B

    Proxmox VE 7 - Cannot remove a CT (2 now actually) with error 'Failed to find logical volume "LXCs/vm-104-disk-0"'

    I now have 2 CTs that I want to remove, but have gotten this error on. I'm not sure why I'm getting it. 1. I had VM 103 (LXC container) on a SSD Logical Volume called "CTs". I got this error, and through a bunch of forum threads, just got nowhere, and ended up trying to simply remove the CT...
  9. D

    [SOLVED] OpenWrt LXC installation error

    I'd like to create an OpenWrt lxc container. I have confirmed that the image is in order. When creating the CT I get this error message extracting archive '/var/lib/vz/template/cache/openwrt.tar.gz' Total bytes read: 11192320 (11MiB, 137MiB/s) Detected container architecture: amd64 unknown ID...
  10. L

    ext4 signature error

    Hey Guys, my problem is that everytime I try to create a new LXC or VM via the ProxmoxVE UI I get the below error message. WARNING: ext4 signature detected on /dev/mass/vm-108-disk-0 at offset 1080. Wipe it? [y/n]: [n] Aborted wiping of ext4. 1 existing signature left on the device...
  11. J

    [SOLVED] Container Startet nicht mehr.

    run_buffer: 316 Script exited with status 9 lxc_init: 816 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "128" __lxc_start: 2007 Failed to initialize container "128" Das ist die aktuelle Fehlermeldung. Config: arch: amd64 cores: 4 hostname: cloud memory: 512 mp0...
  12. R

    Container starten nicht mehr (nach mount / reboot)

    Guten Tag, ich habe jüngst eine externe Platte an das System angeschlossen. Diese wollte ich direkt an einen LXC-Container durchreichen. Nach dem mount im host war die Platte unter dem Namen sde zu finden (sda-sdd sind die vier Platten meines raidz2). Nach einem reboot starteten alle...
  13. C

    [SOLVED] Gentoo LXC does not stop

    Hi, my fresh installed and than updated Gentoo LXC (gentoo-current-default_2020031010_amd64.tar.gz) doesn't reboot / shutdown properly. Before updating it worked quite well. The Debug log tells me, that there must be something wrong with the signal handling (entire log file attached) command...
  14. D

    CLOSED: Lxc strange status

    Hi, in a strange case i've a running container that generates an error while asking pct list can't open '/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/lxc/107/ns/memory.stat' - No such file or directory and despite i cannot list any of other container status in the web interface. If i list each container manually...
  15. T

    [SOLVED] Can´t start unprivileged container

    I can´t start a (restored) unprivileged container. If I create a new unprivileged container I can´t start it also. Apr 13 13:58:51 pve ovs-vsctl[538510]: ovs|00002|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: database connection failed (No such file or directory) Apr 13 13:58:51 pve...
  16. M

    LXC Container starten nicht mehr!

    Habe hier ein Problem, dass ich keinen einzigen Container mehr starten kann. Auch auf das WebIF kann ich nicht mehr zugreifen. Beim Starten den Proxmox sehe ich kurz die Meldung "pve-cluster service failed" Wo kann ich ansetzen um den Fehler zu beheben? Hier noch Info zum System: root@pve:~#...
  17. A

    Migrate an LXC container from older Proxmox version

    I'm trying to migrate an LXC container from hosts with Proxmox versions 4.4-1 and 4.0-48 to 5.2-10. So what i have done untill now was a tar.gz backup and i copied it to my newer Proxmox version and restoring it, but isn't working. Any advice of what should i do??
  18. E

    [SOLVED] Container not start after proxmox upgrade

    Hi to the community, this is my first post. I have a proxmox suscription and yesterday made a upgrade to proxmox. after a proxmox reboot (because kernel upgrade) the lxc dont start again :( the only question ask me when i upgrade is because im setup nfs share for container and add 2 line...