local-lvm storage

  1. C

    local_lvm has status unknown after reboot

    What happened before the error: It all started when I was trying to copy a lxc-container. The statuspage just said "Creating virtual disc" (Or something like that, I can't fully remember) After multiple tries and trying to create a new container, I thought "maybe I should update my environment"...
  2. F

    [SOLVED] Shrink "local" partition at installation stage

    Hi, I have a 1TB SSD. If I use the default installation using the whole drive then it assigns 100GB to local partition, where I could only upload the ISO images and container templates. And the second partition local-lvm is the remaining 800GB for VMs. I think 100GB for ISO images it too much...
  3. A

    Convert storage from local to local-lvm

    Is it possible, is there any way, to convert a local storage to local-lvm?
  4. S

    local-lvm on a new installation

    What is the purpose of the local-lvm on a new installation of Proxmox VE? Can the space be reclaimed and repurposed into a directory so that it will also be able to store snapshots, backups, and others...
  5. M

    local & local-lvm fast voll, was tun?

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin noch ganz neu hier im Forum und auch mit Proxmox. Ich habe mir extra einen Server gebaut für Proxmox und co. Richtig cool! Bin mehr als begeistert! Nach Jahren mit Ubuntu Server, FreeNas, XPenology, Windows Server bin ich froh nun alle Dienste in Ubuntu Containern...
  6. S

    How do I create VMs on the local-lvm / lvm-thin storage?

    I just did my first proxmox install ever on a 500gb disk. I used all defaults so it is using ext4. After install I wanted to create my first VM and when I clicked create VM it said there is only 90gb available on the "local" disk for creating VMs: So I went digging into the interface to...
  7. I

    How to upload 500GB to local-lvm to convert

    Hi Everyone, I am new to Proxmox having been used to vmware before. I need to convert some 500GB vmware disks to proxmox raw disks. This seems easy enough however I simply cannot find a way to upload a 500GB file into the proxmox file system. Only the local appears to be mounted at that is...
  8. A

    How to check local-lvm free space by using terminal command?

    Greetings, I need to check local-lvm disk usage. Could someone please let me know what command can be used for this? Kind regards, Aqs.
  9. L

    Proxmox 6 - VM restoring takes longer than in Proxmox 5

    Hey, I have a problem with Proxmox. I updated Proxmox from 5 to 6 according to the instructions. Update was done without problems. But I noticed that restoring VM in proxmox 6 takes much longer (20 min) than in proxmox 5 (3 min). I started to search. Conclusion (Proxmox 6): When I restore the...
  10. Q

    Get VM image in LVM storage

    Hi, I installed the VM in Local-LVM. Now how can i get the VM image from this local-lvm ( like the qcow2 image ).? Thanks for your help