ldap configuration

  1. E

    Proxmox & LDAP

    Hello, I'm trying to connect my Proxmox server to an LDAP server located internally. Here is my configuration: ldap: ldap-ext base_dn ou=company,o=group,c=fr server1 ldap.fqdn user_attr uid bind_dn uid=proxmox,ou=system,ou=company,o=group,c=fr default 0...
  2. D

    Help me setup openldap sync

    Can someone please point me to an idiots walkthrough for configuring openldap and adding it to proxmox. I have found a bunch of videos and stuff for Active Directory, but i dont want to use windows anymore. I have the openldap setup and can use ldapsearch to connect to and get info. It says i...
  3. D

    LDAP QT5 synchronization with proxmox 8.2.2

    Good morning. I have the following scenario: QNAP QT5 with LDAP server activated, domain test.local, group "adminproxmox" with 1 user "user1" created and group "readproxmox" with "user2" created. QT5 gives me the synchronization data which is: Root DN cn=admin,dc=test,dc=local / User base DN...
  4. O

    AD - Filter users from group

    Hi Community I'm new in Proxmox and have installed a cluster with 3 servers. Now I would like to add this Cluster to our AD server for having only our DevOps Team admin rights on the cluster. (Proxmox 8.2.4) My ad connection works and I get all the data and groups. I also have managed to only...
  5. G

    LDAP Configuration Issue: Users Unable to Login with Username in Proxmox Mail Gateway

    Hello dear PMG community I'm currently facing a small dilemma and hope you can help me out. I've configured LDAP on Proxmox Mail Gateway 8.1.2 so that our users can access their quarantine emails. As far as I can tell, the LDAP connection to our AD is working because users and groups are being...