keyboard layout

  1. T

    Linux Mint mit Cinnanmon auf RDP / VNC

    Hallo Leute, mal wieder was Spezielles. Ich nutze ein Linux Mint in einer VM über VNC / RDP. Die Maschine läuft im Prinzip dauerhaft und ich greife bei Bedarf per Remote zu. ch habe folgendes nervige Problem. In regelmäßigen Abständen verstellt sich automatisch das Tastaturlayout auf eine...
  2. N

    NoVNC Keyboard layout issue.

    Hello forum, First post here as I simply can't find an answer to this specific issue and seems most people haven't come across it. When I go into noVNC I can't type ':' when I hold Shift and click the ';/:' key it just types ';' as if the Shift key wasn't held down. In general some characters...
  3. J

    Wrong console keyboard layout applied

    hi, I have an issue concerning console keyboard layout. I've configured datacenter/option to use a 'fr' keyboard layout but it appears, when in vm console, that the keyboard layout resembles something like 'fr-oss'. It seems that the console doesn't reflect the actual configuration. -- jehutyy