kaby lake

  1. L

    Kaby Lake IGD passthrough on Proxmox 5.1 with Win10 VM

    Others wiser than me may have already solved this problem, but I'm stumped and need help. I'm on a steep learning curve with linux and Proxmox, so please bear with me. I followed the below links trying to set up a Windows 10 VM with Kaby Lake IGD passthrough to drive one or more of my...
  2. Y

    Proxmox 5.0 Kaby Lake and IGD (graphics) passthrough for Windows 10

    Hello, I’m trying to setup a fresh install of Proxmox 5.0 on Kaby Lake and I would like to configure a VM with IGD (graphics) passthrough for Windows 10 and several CT for Linux. Computer is Zotac Xbox CI549 based on i5-7300U zotac.com/us/product/mini_pcs/ci549-nano. It should be more or less...