
  1. J

    [SOLVED] possible bug causing white / blank page for the webui @ port 8006

    After hours of messing with this situation it , most likely and probably, comes down to some awkward stuff going on This situation defies explanation as "the problem" seems to not only happen by itself but also by some unknown parameters. The end result is the Proxmox Web Interface loading then...
  2. T

    Proxmox API – clone and start VM

    Hi, I'd like to automate the use of proxmox. I care about copying and starting the VM. I was able to achieve this with the CLI with the command: Pvesh create /nodes/pve/quemu/100/clone –newid 102 Do you know how this can be achieved using the API? I tried POST...
  3. U

    A new Proxmox Api client available. (JavaScript / Typescript)

    Hi, I have just release my new client for proxmox Api, It's perfect for JavaScript / typescript developer. proxmox-api Fill free to send me feed back, and to open issues. Uriel.
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Web UI Not loading (Ext is not defined)

    Recently I've updated Proxmox (apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade) across a three node cluster (with ceph for storage), I went to access the Web UI, and received a blank page. Dev tools indicate an issue with loading some of the JS Loading failed for the <script> with source...