
  1. G

    [SOLVED] Site-to-site-VPN (IPSec): Routingprobleme

    Hallo, ich habe es als Anfänger nach vielen Tagen endlich geschafft, auf einem Debian-11-basierten Container mit StrongSwan ein Site-to-site-VPN per IPSec zustande zu bringen. Auf Seite A habe ich routerseits (Ubiquiti DreamMachine Pro) ein Port-forward für 500 und 4500 auf die lokale IP des...
  2. B

    Remote backup error - broken pipe

    Hi, I have this problem with a my customer's backups. On my customer's network I installed a PVE with inside installed one virtual machine. I connected one Proxmox backup server storage (a remote datastore into a remote PBS, connected by IPSEC VPN) and configured a schedule backup on it. The...
  3. D

    [SOLVED] Can't Access Web UI over IPSec Connection

    Hello guys, as the title say's i cant't access the Web UI over an IPSec Connection. My Setup is as follows: Site-A: OPNSense VM at Home running on TrueNAS, ISP is Starlink so no static IP Site-B: OPNSense VM running on Proxmox on a Rootserver, static IP from Hoster When i try to connect to...
  4. A

    Linux IPSec hardware acceleration in VM?

    I need to set up VM to be used as router which will also do IPSec encryption. Since new CPUs are all crypto acceleration capable, I really wonder which is the best VM hardware I should choose to have it employed. I suspect I’ll set up CPU of “host” type, but what about VM NICs? If virtio NIC...
  5. P

    Strange Firewall/ipsec behaviour after upgrading to 6.2-11

    I have recently updated a cluster with a few nodes having pretty similar network setup. Each node is connected with a few external networks over ipsec. And just one node behaves crazy (this is really strange). I can't ping any of the networks that are tunneled through the ipsec. Tunnels are...
  6. T

    Forward Protocol Stack to VM (ipsec/gre/ah/etc.)

    Hello, which is the correct way to forward all protocols for a specific IP directly to a VM? E.g. JUMPERint= JUMPER= (official IP, public) iptables -t nat ${PARAM} PREROUTING -d ${JUMPER}/32 -p esp -j DNAT --to-destination ${JUMPERint} iptables -t nat ${PARAM} PREROUTING...
  7. N

    Container neustart führt zum CPU stuck

    Hi, Ich fasse mal kurz mein setup zusammen. Auf meinem Host läuft aktuell Debian 8.10 mit Proxmox Version 4.4-22/2728f613 und dem PVE kernel 4.4.114-108. Auf dem host habe ich eine IPv6 route zu einer meiner container eingerichtet. In diesem Container betreibe ich derzeit accel-ppp in einer...