
  1. A

    How to integrate Suricata in Proxmox VE to intercept malicious traffic

    Hello everyone, I am a beginner Suricata, and I hope to run Suricata as an IPS to intercept malicious traffic. My deployment method is as follows: apt-get -y install suricata jq modprobe nfnetlink_queue echo "nfnetlink_queue" > /etc/modules-load.d/nfnetlink_queue.conf sed -i 's/interface...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Proxmox VE for this or VMware ?

    Hello there! I was wondering if someone could possibly assist me with a little something. You see, I'm quite new to promox ve and I have this goal of hosting my very own web server and setting it up as a DMZ. Additionally, I have a few other VM's that I need to run on the machine and I would...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] OPNSense VM with Suricata IPS service crashes [how-to-fix]

    This how-to-fix post to inform people on how Suricata crashes with OPNSense on Proxmox (any version) can be remediated. The advisories here may not be suitable for production environments, I trust you know this already. Context VM-hardware has Q35 chipset and uses virtio network interfaces...
  4. R

    Proxmox LXC Networking with public IP

    I have a bare-metal Proxmox server running with two public IPs. The initial configuration has already been done, and the containers are running with a NAT and a private network. I currently have 2 public IPs: (This is the available one) This one has a comment in the interface that...
  5. G

    Domain auf Proxmox Server?

    Hallo, Ich frag mal wieder was ^^ Also, ich habe einen Homeserver wo meine Freunde zugreifen sollen was aber leider nur per domain gehen würde da bei uns keine öffentliche ip vorhanden ist. Also wie kann ich Proxmox mit Domain statt ip nutzen? -MFG
  6. M

    How to automatically assign ips to windows vm?

    I have a windows 2012 vm installed and I have an ip block how can I make it automatically assign ip addresses? I am planning on converting it to a template