
  1. P

    [SOLVED] pve-ha-lrm and watchdog-mux services fail to start

    Running PVE 8.0.4 ipmi_watchdog configured After disabling maintenance mode via ha-manager crm-command node-maintenance disable node3, ha-manager status shows: lrm node3 (old timestamp - dead?, [date & time]) ... service vm:XXXX (node3, freeze) systemctl status watchdog-mux pve-ha-lrm shows...
  2. D

    Temp disable of watchdog (Softdog)

    I have a scenario where i need to do some upgrades on switches and fibre channel devices , and I know by experience it causes the watchdog to get annoyed and reboot. Questions: Is it possible to just stop the Watchdog-mux service and it wont reboot ? is there another way to temp disable the...
  3. M

    Proxmox watchdog - how to increase countdown time

    Hello I have problem with watchdog coundown time resseting. I have enabled watchdog by using: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/High_Availability_Cluster_4.x#Dell_IDrac_.28module_.22ipmi_watchdog.22.29 I got: WATCHDOG_MODULE=ipmi_watchdog The defaults settings are: Watchdog Timer Use...