
  1. S

    Api command in node

    Hello, I would know how to execute this command 'qm set 123 --ipconfig0 ip=,gw=' in a node with the API. If you know how to do it differently (With the API) I would know it too. It's to configure the ipconfig in cloud in it on a VM I just deploy (with the API)
  2. A

    An Easy Solution for Networking, But Cant Get It Work

    Hi all, recently i've ordered an auction server from hetzner and wanted to run all my vps-vm needs on this auction server. I've followed so many tutorials, applied so many rules and re-installed proxmox so many times in the past week. Anyway, my problem is getting networking done. To be honest...
  3. H

    Proxmox API ipconfig invalid format

    Hallo zusammen, ich versuche über der Proxmox API die ipconfig von Cloud-Init zu setzen jedoch stoße ich da auf ein Problemchen. Den post Request habe ich über Postman gemacht. Hier einmal pveversion -v: Habt Ihr evtl. eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte? Wäre sehr dankbar für Eure Hilfe!
  4. Y

    [SOLVED] API request with curl

    Hi, this is my very first message on this forum so excuse me if I do something wrong. I'm currently trying to change the cloud-init parameter (ipconfig) by using curl. I've tried several request and the latest was something like this : curl -s -k --cookie "PVEAuthCookie=$ticket" -H...