
  1. W

    Proxmox "Disk IO" graph confusion

    I'm a bit confused regarding "Disk IO" graph (per VM) in Proxmox. The different thread where this topic is discussed concludes that: which indicates to me that it's a total amount of data written/read in a particular window of time. So, from what I understand, it's a total written/read and not...
  2. H

    input/output error

    Please help me with backup. gives a copy error , ERROR: Backup of VM 107 failed - job failed with err -5 - Input/output error INFO: Failed at 2022-10-21 13:42:14 INFO: Backup job finished with errors TASK ERROR: job errors I chose to create a copy on a local disk and on pbs the same error I...
  3. F

    Firewall Input Policy DROP do not work

    Hello, When the Firewall is set on default Input Policy DROP on Datacenter level, and the Firewall is enable, it does not work at all. The server is not filtered and is fully open, just like by ACCEPT. I can easily access it from different PC, without said PC being in rules or Security Group...
  4. R

    Proxmox goes ape s**t after a reboot

    Hi all, I've been running a single node, Proxmox box for over a year at this point. Yesterday I started getting errors `proxmox unable to open file '/etc/pve/nodes/ Input/output error` when trying to modify a VM configuration. After searching around, I've decided to try reboot the host and see...
  5. J

    [SOLVED] Host freeze input/output error

    I have installed proxmox 6.3 INTEL NUC10I7FNH (64GB RAM, 1 TB SSD) a week ago and added a Debian VM and it has been working fine. 3 days ago I added another Debian VM and then a Windows 10 VM. Ever since the guests have been halting and the host has been throwing Input/Output error to every...
  6. L

    Certain VM's Failing to Backup: I/O Error 5

    Hello all, I have four nodes backing up to PBS on a regular basis. One of the nodes has five VM's, only one of which is backing up. The other four fail. All other VM's on all other nodes back up without issue. I really have no idea what could be causing it, but it's important that I fix this...
  7. T

    ERROR: - job failed with err -5 - Input/output error

    Hi I am running stand alone PM ver 5.4.13 Just a single server 2012R2, it has been running for 3 years no problems. I am now getting backup errors. (snapshot backup) Rotating backup through 3 hard drives, 2 x 2TB and 1 x 1 TB. The error happens at 19% on all backups. There is plenty of room on...