
  1. S

    ProxmoxVE installation via PXE

    ISO to PXE method: After converting ISO to PXE supporting initrd, linux26 using . I tried to kick the build via PXE. However, 1. Due to 1.6GB size of initrd, I got the error. Error: Can't allocate initrd. 2. To fix this I added...
  2. F

    Proxmox 6-2-6 stuck during update / help request or any suggestions?

    Hi, I have a small weird problem, wondering if anyone has seen this. Proxmox 6.x host running on a stock template install on OVH environment (SW raid 2x2tb config which OVH provide and I've used many times before without issue). Normally when I do updates on such an environment, I do apt-get...
  3. O

    Not enough memory to load specified image (16.01)

    Hello, I was trying to install Proxmox 6.1 from network, but eventually load of initrd fails with the error: "Not enough memory to load specified image". On the tftp server the initrd.iso.img file has size of 795M and the kernel file, linux26, has 11M in size. Computer I am trying to install...
  4. P

    Adding Proxmox 5 installation via PXE

    Hey, I've been looking for a guide and found few that didn't work. I have a TFTP server running ubuntu 12.04. all the boot able ISO's are in /var/lib/tftpboot/ i have tried to extract LINUX26 and INITRD.IMG and configuring the defaults in /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/defaults . Can anyone...
  5. S

    error: couldn't find a valid DVA

    Hi All, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me. I have Proxmox 4 installed on a ZFS array of 4 x 3TB SATA drives that was configured during the initial Proxmox installation. This has worked fine for quite some time. However, today I rebooted the server and during boot, GRUB (version...
  6. T

    loading initial ramdisk hang, after reboot

    I have a full pve envirement running with 3 nodes with block storage ceph for HA with packet (bare metal). The cluster was running great. Today i was working on an overlay network and after every change i rebooted the server (call me lazy). After 5 or 6 reboots the serer hang during boot. Packet...