
  1. I

    Überprüfung DKIM eingehende E-Mails

    Hallo, ich betreibe ein Mailgateway in der Version 8.1.2 für die Filterung des eingehenden E-Mail Verkehrs. Seit der Umstellung auf die neue Version ist mir aufgefallen, dass die DKIM Überprüfung der eingehenden E-Mails sehr häufig "DKIM_INVALID(0.1)" angibt und deshalb auch häufig der Eintrag...
  2. P

    Cannot receive emails from Gmail only

    Hello, I've recently installed a Proxmox Mail GW that works just "fine"! Its setup as a mail relay and it receives emails from anyone except No configuration either from the Firewall behind it or the Proxmox itself is configured to block or even allow All engines are...
  3. X


    Hello Folks. Is it possible to have the same Incoming Mails Statistics for the Outgoing Mails? I ask this because when we have a lot (many) internal servers with many domains on each server, It would be nice to have the same stats for outgoing. As PMG filters the same incoming fields, it would...
  4. M

    [SOLVED] Integration MS Exchange 2019 with Proxmox mail gateway

    Hello everyone i confused to integration with PMG and Exchnage 2019 , i just did setup both of them in same subnet and only internet access redirected to PMG for External communication, i have problem with receiving email from out side , in advance i did setup receive connector to fetch mail...
  5. T

    Verification of content in Daily Status Report "Incoming Table"

    Hi PMG Forum, I want to check which items are collected for the Daily Status Report, especially in the table "Incoming Mails". Attached you can see that the statistic is quite interesting, as it looks like 219 of 220 mails were classified as junk, but the system is processing much more than 220...
  6. T

    MG reicht Mail an Exchange nicht weiter

    Hallo alle zusammen. Ich bin irgendwie ein wenig am verzweifeln. Ich habe bei mir einen Exchange 2016 laufen, vor dem ich nun ein Proxmox Mail Gateway schalten wollte. Seit ich den vor dem Exchange gehängt habe, geht nichts mehr. Hänge ich meinen Exchange direkt mit einem Port Forward ins...