hetzner vswitch

  1. E

    Simple 2 node cluster - weird problem

    Hi all, I have two independent servers on Hetzner with PVE 8.2.4 installed on both of them. I decided to create a cluster just for management and offline VM migration so i created a simple vSwitch with VLAN 4000 Node A ----------------- auto enp7s0.4000 iface enp7s0.4000 inet manual...
  2. I

    DNS Problem mit dediziertem Hetzner Server und proxmox VMs

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe aktuell Schwierigkeiten mit meinem dedizierten Proxmox Server. Zum Aufbau meines Netzwerkes. In der Hetzner Cloud ist eine pfsesne virtualisiert, mit der IP, dort sind auch noch Remotedesktops virtualisiert, deren IP-Adressen aber denke ich irrelevant sind...
  3. T

    Strange connectivity issues with Hetzner vSwitch Cloud Network

    Hello, I use Proxmox since version 4.4 in my homelab, and recently set up my first Proxmox instance on a Hetzner Root Server. The machine has a single public IPv4 and the usual /64 IPv6 subnet. While most of the setup is working, I have an issue where I need some more ideas. For IPv6, the host...
  4. A

    Proxmox - Hetzner - vSwitchSubnetz Konfiguration

    Hallo zusammen, bin noch ziemlich neu bei Proxmox. Und befinde mich in einer Testumgebung. Ich scheitere leider an einer sauberen Netzwerkkonfiguration mit Subnetz auf dem VSWITCH. Ich vermute, es fehlen Routen. Konfiguration bei Hetzner wie folgt: 2 Server im Cluster, installiert über ISO...
  5. S

    Proxmox with a Separate Host Running OpnSense in Hetzner

    Hi all, I'm working on my first setup at Hetzner and I can't find any examples of what I am attempting to do. I'm hoping for some insight, an interfaces config or step by step if it's available would both be very helpful! While there's plenty of instructions with regard to hosting OpnSense...
  6. L

    Hetzner vSwitch connects two dedicated server

    Hi everyone, I have a dedicated server on Hetzner with only the Primary IP and inside it's running a Minecraft server. I decided to buy a second dedicated server (I haven't bought it yet) for divide the load, but I need to connect the two LXC container locally one from each other. I discovered...
  7. K

    Hetzner additional ip doesn't work

    Hi, I have additional ip on Hetzner, but I can't figure it out how to use it, all my attempts have failed. Below I have attached my most successful host and virtual machine config. From a virtual machine, I can ping, but that's all. Thank you. Main ip Hetzner info: Gateway...
  8. hoffmn01

    PVE with Hetzner and additional subnet

    Hello everyone, I have looked around and did not find the one solution that fits my current setup. Maybe you can help me what needs to be done to enable the additional subnet for my instance. Here is the general network layout: I would like to use the additional subnet for several servers...
  9. B

    Hetzner Cloud & Robot via vSwitch

    Moin! Ich habe bei Hetzner einen CloudServer & einen Dedicated. Auf dem Cloud-Server läuft eine pfSense. Diese läuft dort da alles über diese gehen soll damit z.B. Proxmox nicht von extern erreichbar ist & ich Portforwardings, VPN usw dort sehr gut regulieren kann. Plan ist folgender: Wenn...
  10. A

    PVE + Hetzner vSwitch network issue

    Hello, I am having a very odd issue with my setup - it is on PVE (7.1-10) running on a Hetzner dedicated box and using vSwitch additional network. Background and setup: I have a Hetzner vSwitch attached to my server. That vSwitch has an additional /28 public network on it. When working with...