
  1. N

    New server hardware

    Hi guys, i need to build a small proxmox server to replace the old one we have in the company. My question is, there are compatibilty issues with the latest h170 motherboards and proxmox? Thanks Nicola
  2. R

    raid-1: HW or ZFS?

    Hi Proxmox-users, I know this has been discussed here a few times (I found some threads but no definite answers) so I'm going to ask once more: with just two local 500GB SSD-disks in small hobby-server, what kind of raid1-solution should I use? hardware (using add-on raid-controller), or...
  3. R

    Problem with a Cisco UCS server

    Hi, I am installing Proxmox in a Cisco UCS C220 server and have a problem with a VIC card (UCS VIC 1225T model). That card allows create multiple virtual network cards, after installing Proxmox Debian detects the element and identifies the driver but it´s not shown as a network card, here is...