hang up

  1. I

    [SOLVED] Bug in Proxmox Kernel 6.8.* on HP DL 5** G7 Servers

    Hi all, in last kernels we have many Problems, We cant use only kernel 6.5.13-5-pve as last working kernel. All newer kernels >= 6.8.* have following error: ...iock error debug interrupt for reason 61 on cpu 0... system hang up and was not reachable.... only hard reboot with power off works...
  2. N

    Windows Server 2019 mit "hv-tbflush" bootet in Kernel 5.15.104-1-pve nicht mehr.

    Hallo, nach meinem Update von auf pve-manager/7.4-3/9002ab8a bootete mein Windows Server 2019 nicht mehr. (Hing im Bootscreen fest). Auch ein Hardrest der VM dauerte fast eine Minute bis zur Durchführung. Nach etwas Troubleshooting stellte ich fest, das das Problem nur auftaucht, wenn ich das...
  3. S

    ixgbe driver hang up | Detected Tx Unit Hang Tx Queue

    Hello, I have two supermicro servers (SM-HV01 and SM-HV02) running proxmox ve 7.3-4. These servers are directly connectet with two 10Gbit/s Fiber DAC Cables (enp3s0f0 and enp3s0f1), and one 10Gbit/s Ethernet cable (eno2). The outside interface of these two servers are connected to the...
  4. I

    [SOLVED] vzdump hang up with offline nfs storage

    hi, if a storage was mounted with nfs and a backup is running, storage goes offline (power lost for exsample), vzdump is hang up, prozess can not be kill, not stop in web gui and not with kill -9 pid pve-manager/7.2-11/b76d3178 any ideas for fix or is a bug in main software for proxmox team...
  5. G

    virtual machine (Windows 7) hangs for few minutes

    Hello, From few day I have a problem with Windows 7 which is running as VM on Proxmox. Generally VM works fine, that from time to time ..... hang up (or freeze) on few minuites (max to 5 minutes). It doesn't matter if one profile or more is running on the VM, the machine hangs, also dosen't...
  6. C

    [SOLVED] Possible to include this fix for ZOL ?

    Hello, Would it be possible to include this fix in the pve ZFS package. The bug would cause a hang/deadlock on the hypervisor when using snapshot heavily (especially the rollback) which the only way to fix the zombie processes was to reboot. Thanks
  7. R

    No bootable device - migrierte Server lassen sich nicht rebooten

    Hallo zusammen! Wir haben ca. 20 VMs in einem dreier Cluster mit Ceph am laufen. Die hälfte der VMs wurde mit Clonezilla migriert, P2V, die andere hälfte habe ich zu raw convertiert von vmware. Nun das Problem. Vor ein paar Wochen hat sich eine Ubuntu 18.04. VM aufgehängt, diese wurde von vmware...
  8. R

    Converted/migrated Servers does not reboot

    Hello! We have a three node cluster, the storage for the vms is ceph. I have migrated lot of physical server to pve with clonezilla, i have also converted round about 15 vmware vms to pve. In the past without issues. Now we had the problem (the third problem/server after a while) - an ubuntu...
  9. fstrankowski

    LXC-Backups Hang (via NFS and CIFS)

    Hello everyone, i'd like to ask for help regarding a problem i recently got my hands on. We're running 3 Proxmox clusters over 3 datacenters. Backup routines run by night for all 3 clusters. Backups are done via CIFS and also NFS. From time to time i'm running into a problem, where the...