
  1. G

    "HA-Cluster" nur mit Hosts

    Hallo, Ich befasse mich mit Proxmox jetzt seit 2 Tagen, habe mir eine kleien Spielwiese (HomeLab) mit erst zwei Systemen aufgebaut die im Cluster laufen. Ich bin dann noch auf die Loesung gestoszen das man drei und mehr Hosts miteinander zu einem "HA-Cluster" ueber ZFS verbinden kann. Sync Zeit...
  2. L

    Setting up HA: deleted nodes showing as master/LRM

    I originally set up my proxmox cluster with 3 nodes: proxmox1, proxmox2, proxmox3. This cluster had high availability set up. Later on I added some newer hardware to the same cluster, creating pmx4, pmx5 and pmx6. I then shut down the original proxmox1, proxmox2, proxmox3 and used pvecm delnode...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] HA migration stuck / is doing nothing

    Hi there, since today, I have an issue with HA online Migration. If I try to migrate an online VM, the following output occurs: Requesting HA migration for VM 127 to node srv1 TASK OK After that nothing is doing. If I shut down the VM, I can migrate with HA. And if I remove the HA entry for...
  4. S


    Dear community, i do not seem to find any answer. Fencing is crucial for the cluster config and operation, but also very little documented. I did configure IPMI-Fencing, it is working (2-3 minutes until VM would come up on the healthy node after node failure). But there are options in ui and...
  5. R


    Hello, Speaking of H.A, I have 4 clustered hosts with two FC storages where my VMs are mapped and configured in H.A, the question is: If I lose communication with a storage, will H.A migrate to another host the VMs? or only if I lose host communication?
  6. M

    Step-by-step two node HA setup for Proxmox 5.0

    Hi I know that's not officially supported, but I have no budget to spend on additional third server to provide HA I want to prevent split-brain related problems with using bonded cross-connected (no switch between servers) network interfaces. I think that's well enough to prevent split-brain...
  7. Mystray

    Faulty storage connectivity and HA

    We are trying to build HA cluster with iSCSI storage over dedicated network interface. Looks like disconnecting storage network (in any way - physical fault or misconfiguration) doent lead to any reaction from PVE HA. For example, if node connection to iscsi storage failed, we got messages like...
  8. M

    Storage Model, Ceph vs GlusterFS

    Hello all, 'Quick question. So, I know that Proxmox VE includes both Ceph, and GlusterFS support... however, I get the impression (and correct me if I am wrong on this) that Ceph is being pushed as the de-facto choice for HA/Clusters needing shared storage. Red Hat however seems to favor...
  9. grin

    listing ct and vm which is _not_ added in the HA

    Is there a simple commandline way to list the containers an vms which is not added to the HA?
  10. W

    migrate all and limiting parallel jobs not working with HA-VMs?

    Hi all, not sure if this is a bug: When starting a migrate all I can limit parallel jobs to e.g. 1 job at a time. Because HA migration tasks only start background tasks and return almost immediately the job limit does not work. The next migration is started while the background task from the...
  11. G

    VM in HA stops if cluster node reboots while backing up to NFS storage

    I have several virtual machines setup in high availability. I use CEPH as shared storage for VMs disks. I have an NFS storage mounted to live backup nightly all the VMs. Last night the server that hosts NFS rebooted while a backup was performing. The cluster node hosting the VM that was doing...
  12. L

    HA Glusterfs auto online migration

    Hi guys I have 3 node on proxmox 4.3. There are in cluster. 2 of them have glusterfs server 3.5 (official on proxmox). Cluster works perfectly, glusterfs works good ,ha works fine and online migration works fine. In HA i have one group and all vm's add to this group. Everything works well...
  13. B

    PVE4.3-1 + DRBD9. Restore after failure

    Hi! Sorry for my English. First of all, I understand that DRBD is only tech preview, but it's so interesting We have task to build 3-nodes cluster with full-redundancy of data. Now I'm testing 2-nodes cluster and have some troubles. Can anybody print step-by-step manual what to do if: 1...