full backup

  1. N

    Backup of stopped VMs / revisiting full backups for these VMs

    Hi, I know this has been discussed a bit in a previous thread, such as: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/dirty-new-bitmaps.81754/page-3 but I wanted to see if there has been any movement in the opinion of allowing administrators to force bitmap persistence on stopped VMs. As Krzysztof...
  2. Sebi-S

    [SOLVED] How does the Proxmox Backup Server _actually_ work? | compared to other backups

    Hello everyone, I have been running a Proxmox Backup Server in test mode for a few months. It is already running very well and I have been able to restore entire machines, volumes or files without any problems. Nevertheless, I still lack the basic understanding of how the Proxmox Backup Server...
  3. A

    Full backups and powered off VMs

    Hi All! I’ve a very annoying behavior, when a VM is not running, every day it performs a full backup even if the VM is not powered up at any time and there is no changes inside. If some teams aleatory shutdown VMs for resource/power savings the backups take forever because dirty maps resides on...
  4. S

    Proxmox Storage issues

    Hello Forum! Happy to be here and a new proxmox user. To get right into it, I messed up. Current config is a 4 disk RAID 5 array managed by a RAID card on the server in a Raid5 configuration, for a total of 6TB of storage (2TB x 4disks = 8TB - 2TB loss from Raid5) Essentially I did not...
  5. Sebi-S

    [SOLVED] [vm backups] Where are the full backups of my vms?

    Hello everbody, we are using pbs 2.2.5 and I have to admit that I don't fully understand the backup solution yet. My question in a nutshell: "Where do I find the full backups of my vms?" I know that pbs uses incremental backups, but as far as I have used incremental backups in the past, I...