
  1. R

    fqdn help

    I've got my proxmox server up and running, and have all the settings correct to use a fqdn on my lan using a domain I own. But, while all other servers on my network can be reached using their respective fqdn addresses, proxmox will not show the gui using its one. I have also set iptables -t nat...
  2. L

    changing the FQDN, and not the hostname, in a cluster

    Hello, I would like to change the FQDN in a cluster which we mainly use to access the administrative interface. I see that in /etc/hosts both the fqdn and the one-label names are set: localhost.localdomain localhost pve1.example.com pve1 pve2.example.com...
  3. C

    Domain name (FQDN) for local containers and VMs

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to set for each container and VM i got a full domain name (FQDN) to use it nicely in other services, without remembering the IP address. I tried different things by changing the host config, but I wanted to know if there is a tool or a more elegant way to organize all...
  4. L

    Mailserver and PMG same FQDN - :25 loops back to myself

    Hello, we setup a new mail gateway with PMG. The old mail gateway only receivied E-Mails. The mail server send direkt. Now, PMG receive and send E-Mail. Sending with DMARC works fine. But receiving fail: mail for []:25 loops back to myself. Mail Server and PMG has the same FQDN...
  5. C

    Use FQDN instead of IP?

    I'm assuming thsi is a no from what I've looked up but asking just in case. I have 2 Proxmox Nodes in a location with Fixed IPs, I'd like to backup to a proxmox server at home but unfortunately host does not have a fixed IP, if I assign an FQDN that updates the ip on DNS, could I use FQDN...
  6. J

    cloud-init does not use search domain as fqdn

    I have a VM provisioned with qcow2 image, and have set in the cloud-init a search domain. However, the cloud init is using vmName + search domain as the FQDN, which is not as expected. An earlier VM created with the same image and cloud-init settings (except with a different search domain)...
  7. A

    Android APP unable to use FQDN without exposing port.

    Hi community! Very first post, hope i'll do my best. I used the Android APP to connect to my Proxmox prety nice and smooth with an exposed public IP and port. (x.x.x.x:8006) Now i managed to configure an Nginx server and a personal domain to acces my services without exposing ip/ports or...
  8. S

    Unable to use public FQDNs to connect to PVE, VMs and CTs

    Hello, friends. I have been struggling with this problem for about 3 days now. Have started using Proxmox as my HomeLab for study experiments about a week ago. It doesnt have any private/secure stuff on it, so i will share all the details below. I have a public static ip I...
  9. F

    FQDN as hostname for container

    Hi I have an issue with Plesk running as container. An Plesk-extension needs the hostname is properly set as FQDN. Let say I want name it 'server.domain.tld' (on my machine I of course use valid hostname). I did: hostnamectl set-hostname server.domain.tld root@server:~# hostnamectl status |...
  10. N

    I set a domain name to access the proxmox node and the virtual machine console works for me, but the on and off buttons do not work

    I set a domain name to access the proxmox node and the virtual machine console works for me, but the on and off buttons do not work Console work fine But buttons don't work, when i press stutdown / stop / pause / resume button i have this error When i try connecting directly ( using ip...
  11. F

    modify welcome banner

    $xline Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual Environment. Please use your web browser to configure this server - connect to: https://${localip}:8006/ $xline in addition to the localip, I would like to add another line hostnamectl or fqdn of this PVE node. How do I do that?
  12. S

    Linux Container can't set hostname with FQDN

    So I set up a Ubuntu container with the hostname "test", when I started the container and typed in hostname -f it just shows "test". Also the entry within the /etc/hosts file just has test in it, not the full domain name which should be test.ho.me. So I've set the hostname directly to...