
  1. K

    [SOLVED] How do I add my Avatar

    I'm a fickle person and I apologies in advance. I see other peoples accounts have custom Avatars installed and I want to know who I need to sweet talk to get my own Avatar working for my profile, or is this something that cannot be done?
  2. enoch85

    My subscription status doesn't show?

    Don't know if this is the correct way to contact the staff, but became a subscribed customer (Community) the other day, but still I don't get a badge next to my nick here in the forum. Do I need to do anything for that? Thanks!
  3. T

    Is there an offline (zim, ...) for the Proxmox Wiki / Forum and of not is one permitted to create one

    Hi, I am often at different locations where not every location has Internet access. So I tought it would be awesome to have an offline version of the Wiki and forum. Since I don't want to wget all together I thought maybe it's possible that the Proxmox Team could make ZIM Files. I guess I am...
  4. F

    the new member ordeal

    Enthusiastic new proxmox use here. My experience in the past two hours, discrete problems in bold... Find some holes in the documentation. I get it. Not a huge deal, plus I see there's a wiki! The two wiki articles I'm depending cover the documentation gap, but are are badly outdated. I figure...