existing vm's

  1. K

    Migrating from XenServer, use existing LVM over iSCSI

    Hello, I'm currently using Citrix XenServer 6.5 and considering switching to ProxMox (testing it with another physical server). I'm using a Synology NAS as the iSCSI server. XenServer created LVM over the raw iSCSI for the VM storage. I have cloned the iSCSI target/LUN on the Synology for the...
  2. L

    Advice on importing existing VM's into brand new Proxmox installation

    Hello Forum, I'm fairly new to Proxmox, have only being using it for 12 months or so and have only been experimenting with it in a home office/educational environment. Initially I had the OS installed to two mirrored USB sticks which were mounted directly on the Motherboard (Supermicro)...