
  1. F

    proxmox-backup-client backup stops at gvfsd-fuse mount - exclude does not apply

    Hi, I freshly installed PBS on top of my existing Homeserver/Fileserver and try to backup my users home dirs, which exits while creating the file list for backup. homeserver:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)...
  2. M

    .pxarexclude not working as expected

    I have: root@tuxmaster:/srv/pve# cat .pxarexclude /dump/* /images/* /template/cache/* root@tuxmaster:~# find / -name "vm-10001-disk-0.qcow2" /srv/pve/images/10001/vm-10001-disk-0.qcow2 Yet root@tuxmaster:~# LANG=en strace -e openat -fff proxmox-backup-client backup --include-dev /boot/efi...