
  1. T

    [SOLVED] HA Migration creates a lot of dublicate disks

    I have a Cluster of 3 and would like to migrate them. However we found out that it just creates a lot of dublicate disks. So I have been migrating a TestMigrationVM around all 3 nodes. I would like to post the Output of a Migrationg which takes really long for just one disk of 8GiB. I have no...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Proxmox sets the same MAC to the bridge

  3. E

    How to duplicate an LXC container ?

    Hello, I'm using ProxMox to make LXC containers with debian-jessie templates. I would like to know something very simple. How can I duplicate an existing container to create a new one on the same template ? For instance I have a container with a discourse Forum for an association, and I would...