disc setup

  1. R

    Best Practice - Initiales Storage Setup

    Moin, ich bin dabei meinen bare metal Server auf einen Proxmox Host umzuziehen. Lese mich nun schon seit Tagen in das Thema ein und bin leicht überfordert ;) Proxmox soll zukünftig auf einer kleinen stromsparenden dennoch leistungsfähigen AMD Appliance laufen. Das System hat 2 M.2 Slots. Zur...
  2. F

    Delete Local LVM and resize storage in Proxmox

    Just saw a this video showing how to consolidate local (pve) with local-lvm (pve) onto a unified local (pve) drive by @ProgrammingStuff22 on YouTube. This looks quite interesting. My local (pve) recently inflated due to some experiments I was doing with rclone. Does anyone know if this can...
  3. N

    Recover VM into a new Proxmox installation

    Hello community, We have a server setup with 2 disks. The first disk (SSD) is the proxmox installation, the second is the VMs data (with 2 VMs in it). For unknown reason the SSD disk got several bad blocks and dont start all proxmox services and system anymore. Due that we got by lucky make a...
  4. 9

    Proxmox Disc Structure - Philosophy and Flexibility

    Greetings. I have been aware of ProxMox for some years but only recently has my need for virtualization pushed me over the edge and into "lets do this." I have read along and followed some basic tutorials, but all include some caveats regarding discs, and particularly SSDs. While I'm not...