convert vm proxmoxve

  1. S

    VMware - Veeam - convert to - Proxmox

    Hallo Zusammen, ich bin neu in dem Thema und suche einen einfachen Weg für folgendes Vorhaben: - wir haben ein VMware VM pei einem Partner - Diese VM wird regelmäßig mit Veeam gesichert (momentan ca. 250GB) - zu Backup-Zwecken wollen wir dieses Backup regelmäßig zu unserem Standort transferieren...
  2. L

    VMWare --> Proxmox Booting, but not all the way

    I have a multi disk VM running RH7 that I'm attempting to move over from VMWare Fusion. I have migrated all the files over and converted them from ovf --> vmdk --> .raw files. It is two separate disks. I am able to get the VM to boot-up but am getting errors. dracut-initqueue[283]: Warning...
  3. Y

    Convert vmdk image to qcow on ZFS

    What is the correct procedure to convert a vmdk image to a qemu KVM ZFS image ? ( i need ZFS Replication .. ) If i create a vm-1001-disk-1 and than: dd if=win2012-pve.vmdk of=/rpool/data/vm-1001-disk-1 Thanks!
  4. M

    Create container from a converted VM

    I created a VM and converted it into a template. I would like to know if I could use this so created template to create a container.
  5. M

    Cannot clone Template -TASK ERROR: clone failed: copy failed

    Hi all, I have a very big problem and I'have urgently to solve it before monday morning. I have (had XD) a vm (WIN2008) with two disks and I had a mistake because I convert it to template..I mistake on click I don't know why. So, the problem is that I cannot reconvert to vm this machine...if...