cluster configuration

  1. S

    Architectural advice for a seflhosted setup with 3 mini PC and a NAS

    Hello, I'm a bit of a noob in the proxmox world, I've dived into it quite recently, I'm trying to wrap my head (and having a hard time with everything new) about the optimal architecture for my selfhosted home setup. My (foolish?) objective would be to have a proxmox cluster that would allow me...
  2. A

    Minimal HA cluster with local storage only?

    Dear forum, I'm a bit lost about what might be the best way to set up a very small HA cluster: hardware: 2x identical nodes with i7, 16 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD, additional NIC with 2x 10 Gbe 1x Raspberry Pi as Qdevice UPS Is there a way to set up the cluster in a way that the two worker nodes are...
  3. D

    Node requirements for a new cluster

    Greetings all, I am new to Proxmox and currently investigating the possibility of setting up a scalable virtual infrastructure using Proxmox VE and have what is probably a very "noob" sort of question. Is there a requirement for the hardware nodes in a cluster to be matching (i.e. CPU, RAM...
  4. R

    [SOLVED] Broke my cluster

    Hi, I have a 3-nodes cluster that was configured as follows: node1 with ip node2 with ip node3 with ip So I wanted to change and make it coherent (node1 with ip, node2 with ip, and node3 with ip I started...
  5. N

    Should redundant corosync links be on seperate VLAN?

    After reading through PVE CM Redundancy, I am left wondering whether or not there is any reason not to use the same VLAN for the two separate physical corosync links? I see the example shows what presumably are separate subnets, but I see no explicit mention on whether or not such a logical...
  6. W

    Correct way to set MTU on a Corosync cluster network (pve 8.3)

    Looking for some guidance on the how to correctly set the MTU for a cluster with a dedicated / separate network for Corosync traffic. I have a (rather) simple setup of 3 pve nodes, each having 2 physical interfaces: enp65s0: A mellanox fiber nic. Used by corosync in ring config (see below) for...
  7. J

    Cluster Issues

    Hi all, I am running a 2-node cluster both on 8.3.2, After having a power outage, one of my nodes (Node 2) gets the "unable to resolve name ZYX" and Node 1 starts hitting the logs with "Totem retransmit" messages, I noticed that by adding on Node 1 in the /etc/hosts file the hostname and ip...
  8. A

    Any way to not include PBS storage from Total Storage in Cluster Calulation?

    I understand the way The Cluster Resources for Storage is summed up for all attached pools, but I do not consider the PBS as actual usable storage unlike a NFS mount for example. Is there anyway to allow PBS backups without including the Storage pool to each node and/or remove the PBS storage...
  9. D

    Two+1 nodes setup

    I have a minsoforum ms-01 i9-13th gen and I plan to get another ms-01 but i9-12th gen as a secondary node. I use ZFS and I am trying to achieve extra head room along with zfs replicaton/HA. I know I need a third node to achieve quorum. So... I have another mini pc N5105 laying around but...
  10. N

    Setting up a cluster with nodes in two different networks

    Hallo, ich würde gerne wissen, wie ich 2 Nodes aus verschiedenen Netzen zu einem Cluster verbinden kann. Ist dies nur über ein VPN möglich, oder gibt es andere einfachere Alternativen? Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Antworten! ---- Hello, I would like to know how I can connect 2 nodes from...
  11. S

    cluster join should provide IPv6 address

    Is there a way to force "cluster join" to provide IPv6 address rather than the default IPv4 address?
  12. R

    Setting Up a Dynamic Proxmox Cluster with Normally-Off Nodes (Non-HA Setup)

    Hello Proxmox Community, I'm working on a home lab and need to save power, so most of my nodes are powered off most of the time. My goal is to set up a Proxmox cluster that can dynamically scale as nodes are powered on and off without requiring high availability (HA) or strict quorum. I’m fine...
  13. U

    No devices shown in HA status page

    Good evening, Started my journey with Proxmox, networking,etc. I recently created a modded minecraft server on my main pc that I want to eventually run on Proxmox. I made my first node and the a second, from there I created a cluster because it seemed cool. Then I found out that "even" clusters...
  14. X

    using qdevice for vote quorum, are these affected License?

    Hi guys, i was setup proxmox cluster just 2 node with standard subs, and wanted to achive HA so i used qdevice from my external cluster. And my question is, are these setup will be affected SLA license, or the qdevice just as voting quorum 2n+1. Thanks guys
  15. F

    Partitioning approach for ceph cluster installation on single SSD drive

    Hello folks, totally new to proxmox clustering and just recently got 2 mini pcs for a home lab. As I was setting up the ceph cluster installation when I got to creating the osd, i couldn't target any disks as the single 1TB SSD I have is in use by proxmox. I followed the default configs for...
  16. H

    Proxmox cluster nodes losing all local and iscsi storage intermittently

    Proxmox cluster nodes losing all local and iscsi storage intermittently root@4tb-8tb-pve:~# iscsiadm --mode node --portal --login iscsiadm: default: 1 session requested, but 1 already present. iscsiadm: default: 1 session requested, but 1 already present. iscsiadm: default: 1...
  17. M

    [Solved] Failing to create pve cluster

    I'm trying to do what seems like the most simple thing, but am completely stuck trying to create a cluster for 3 nodes: I have a clean install of the latest Proxmox on two identical Minisforum MS-01 pcs. I have: Ensured time on both machines are in sync Added each machine to the others host...
  18. T

    Proxmox 8.2.4 Setup with 3 Nodes Cluster

    Hello Team I am testing Proxmox 8.2.4 Setup with 3 Nodes Cluster In India: Node 1 BLR-ESI.local : IP Node 2 MAA-ESI.local : IP Node 3 DXB-ESK.local : IP for creating a cluster. should be IP and Subnet same? In my case Node 1 and Node 2 use 192.168.X.X...
  19. A

    Shared Storage Recommendation for Proxmox Cluster

    Dears, I'm preparing to setup 3 node Proxmox Cluster using Dell R740 for our production systems. I am trying to decide between using CEPH storage for the Cluster / Shared storage using iSCSI. Which is the best option for Shared Storage in case of 3 node Proxmox cluster? I need a reliable...
  20. J

    [SOLVED] Separate Migration Network issue VLAN

    Hi All, I have a 2 node cluster I have added a second 1g nic to each and created a bond, i have also created a separate vlan for High availability traffic. When trying to migrate a container i get the following error: # /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=TEST-NODE01' -o...