
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Kernel panic PVE 6.0.1 - reset kernel

    Hi guys, I need your help. My PVE 6.0.1 boots but I have a kernel panic which totally stop the boot. I want use chroot in order to reinstall the kernel 5.0.21 but I have an error. Look at my shell commands. root@debian:~# uname -r 4.19.0-6-amd64 ( I used LiveCD Debian 10 )...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Connect by sftp on container but not as root

    Hi Proxmox Community! After much research on the subject and yet still no concrete answer, I ask for your help to try to resolve an issue on unprivileged containers. I try by all means to connect on my containers SFTP but without using the root account created by default. Each time I try to...