
  1. R

    chrony loading error -> is dead

    Good morning, I am running a proxmox 8.3.0 server where I get the following error: # systemctl status chronyd.service Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of chronyd.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units ○ chronyd.service Loaded...
  2. I

    chronyd issues

    I have a cluster of around 20 nodes, Proxmox 8.0.4 +ceph (on 4 of them) all have the same configuration of chronyd. and most of the time everything works. recently (in the past month) i started to have issues with time sync. usually it comes after a power failure, some servers are out of...
  3. K

    Upgrading from 7 to 8 - Chrony

    I just run pve7to8 --full. Can I safely uninstall systemd-timesyncd and install Chrony? root@srv001:~# pve7to8 --full = CHECKING VERSION INFORMATION FOR PVE PACKAGES = Checking for package updates.. PASS: all packages up-to-date Checking proxmox-ve package version.. PASS: proxmox-ve package...
  4. F

    chrony Dienst fehlt in der GUI

    hi staff, ich denke, ein bißchen homogen zum PVE sollte der PBS schon sein. Schreibt ihr euch mal auf die Agenda, dass chrony auch mit aufgeführt werden sollte unter Dienste, dann gibts auch keine Verwunderung wie bei mir eben. Gruß
  5. W

    cluster join failed: 401 permission denied - invalid PMG ticket

    Hello! I just did a setup for 2 fresh pmg (hostname: pmg-03(master) and pmg-04(slave)) on my VPS and want to join them in a cluster. On the master I did: root@pmg-03:~# pmgcm create stop all services accessing the database save new cluster configuration update quarantine database update...
  6. C

    Wrong Time synchronization (Chrony) and enabling a generated system service

    Hello, So I got a problem on my Proxmox where the time synchronization is wrong (using Chrony) the time has an offset of 8 Hours.. any idea how to fix that? above are the screenshot when i ran "chronyc tracking", i think the result should not be that way. i also try to add NTP servers to...
  7. E

    Chrony won't sync time despite active peer, rrd update failed: time in past

    I just moved PBS (v2.2-7) to new hardware, and I've been fighting chrony trying to get it to sync the time. root@pbs:/var/log# chronyc activity 200 OK 1 sources online 0 sources offline 0 sources doing burst (return to online) 0 sources doing burst (return to offline) 0 sources with...
  8. J

    Chrony vs systemd-timesyncd on PVE 7.2

    Hey, everyone! SOME CONTEXT I have a production 3-node Proxmox 7.2 cluster which has been running very fine for a few months now. Each node was installed on top of a Debian 11 Bullseye via the procedure explained in the Install Proxmox VE on Debian 11 Bullseye wiki page. It only runs LinuX...