ceph cluster

  1. M

    Proxmox 4.x cluster With Ceph cluster

    Hi, we have a proxmox cluster on network 192.168.2.x and ceph cluster at network 10.10.2.x proxmox and ceph are connected with another NIC with network 10.10.5.x. both clusters are able to ping each other and no firewall restrictions. When we mounting ceph storage at proxmox, its says...
  2. B

    Ceph on Proxmox 4.3

    Hello, I am using Proxmox 4.3 with 3 nodes. I have a few problems when I want to install Ceph: - In the wiki, they say “execute the following on all: pveceph install -version hammer” but when I have an error message “unable to download ceph release key: 500 Can't connect to git.ceph.com:443”...
  3. F

    Adding new Ceph node to existing cluster

    I have a Ceph and Proxmox running without any problems. Now considering future scenarios such as running out of space on current Ceph cluster. 1. Creating a new node with drives, adding to the already existing cluster makes sense. However, how do we add the new drives in the new node to the...