centos 8

  1. I

    cloud-init hostname not working as expected [RHEL8/Rocky Linux/Centos 8]

    Hello I've searched the other topics but there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer and as far as i saw, noone mentioned the fqdn entry. i've configured a cloud-init ready image on rocky linux 8 (rhel8 clone) the network, public key and user work fine. when I mount the /dev/sr0 and have a...
  2. D

    CentOS8/Alma8/Rocky8: NetworkManager does not recognice ifcfg-eth0

    Hi, I installed several CTs with AlmaLinux8 and RockyLinux8, but CentOS8 and RHEL8 should have the same problem. Config: arch: amd64 cmode: shell cores: 1 description: Rocky Linux 8%0A hostname: gd-rocky8-2 memory: 2048 net0...
  3. powersupport

    How to upgrade pbs client in centos?

    Hi, the current version is 1.0.11, May I know how we can update the client? is there any documentation available for Centos standalone server? We have already tried the KB below, https://github.com/sg4r/proxmox-backup-client/blob/main/pbs.build.sh We have tried to rebuild with a different...
  4. powersupport

    How to update pbs client on centos standalone server

    Hi, We have a centos stand-alone server with PBS client installed, we installed the same using the below documentations https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/backup-client.html#backup-client-usage https://github.com/sg4r/proxmox-backup-client/releases/tag/v1.0.11...
  5. L

    Proxmox LXC Centos 8 Stream Support

    Guten Tag, Und zwar wollte ich nachfragen ob es in absehbarer Zeit keinen Support für Centos8 Stream für LXC geben wird? Bis jetzt scheint das Ganze nicht zu funktionieren. Ich habe einen Centos8 Container erstellt und anschließend auf Centos8 Stream geupgraded. Jetzt ist das Problem, aber dass...
  6. T

    Proxmox ignores custom cloud-init from --cicustom paramter (tested with Ubuntu/CentOS)

    Hi, I'm getting crazy to create a vm provisioned with cloud-init. Here is what i do: # create template wget https://cloud.centos.org/centos/8/x86_64/images/CentOS-8-GenericCloud-8.2.2004-20200611.2.x86_64.qcow2 qm create 9000 --name centos-ci --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 qm...
  7. K

    Weird behavior with CentOS 8.2 container

    Hi, After running user cron jobs, the user's systemd service goes failed: $ sudo systemctl status user@1000.service ● user@1000.service - User Manager for UID 1000 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/user@.service; static; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: timeout)...
  8. J

    Proxmox on Debian Buster host with Centos 8 Guest

    Im searching for a network configuration for a routed network between a Host with Debian Buster and a guest System on Centos 8. Anything i have tested was not realy working about this constallation. On Host i use the debian routed konfiguration, that works fine between a debian host and a debian...
  9. E

    Plex not working - Currently unavailable

    Hello, I am trying to setup Plex on a CentOS 8 VM in Proxmox. If I SSH into the server and go onto localhost I can view that the server is up and have already had files play perfectly. The problem occurs when I am using the native app. I was asking for this on the Plex forum, but they say that...