
  1. L

    MacOS GPU Passthrough No Output ( HD 7850)

    Hi ! I'm really new to Proxmox and virtualization. After successfully install MacOS on proxmox at my home, i want to try install macos Catalina with Opencore on an old pc. Installation is a success but when i try to passthrough my GPU i've got a blank screen.. I try with Vmware compatible...
  2. L

    Audio Interface USB sizzling sound macos Catalina/ USB Passthrough not working.

    Hi, I'm really new to proxmox/linux and virtualization. I've installed macos and have a wworking gpu passthhough but i have an issue with my Audio Interface ( Scarlett 2i2). When a sound start ( like a notification or a video/music, the sound is horrible, saturated and sizzling.. So i can't use...