
  1. S

    How to recycle capacity when I delete files in VM? OR How to set thick provision for virtual disk

    Details: VM disk at local, not local -lvm (I have delete it) Enable host and vm qemu guest agent Virtio SCSI QCOW2 Discard = on Problems: When I delete files in VM, the PVE host capacity don't release, it only become larger, google said if discard = on,and enable qemu guest agent...
  2. D

    ZFS Speicher Information

    Hi Leute, ich bin gerade meine Speicherkonfiguration durchgegangen und dabei kam mir eine Frage auf. Wir kann ich mir die Netto und Brutto Kapazität meines ZFS Speichers anschauen? ZFS Version: zfs-0.8.4-pve2 zfs-kmod-0.8.4-pve1 Ich habe folgendes Setup. 3 Festplatten à 1,8TB als RAIDZ1...
  3. S

    max "raw" datasize and solutions

    So, a problem I realized: LXC, mount and rootdisk sizes, are seemable limited to about 2TB. - error if bigger: TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/qemu-img resize -f raw /home/images/100/vm-100-disk-0.raw 2200000000000' failed: exit code 1 (".raw datasize limited") Soo, I actually need my...
  4. A

    My POOLS MAX AVAIL is not full capacity in version 5.2

    Hello, I just completed a new setup of Proxmox version 5.2 with 3 hosts and 18 OSDs. This time my cluster setup is not as previous by manual command line in 5.2 version installation. I use GUI to complete my cluster setup, awesome :) While I finished ceph-pool setup with following: Size/min...