So, a problem I realized:
LXC, mount and rootdisk sizes, are seemable limited to about 2TB.
- error if bigger: TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/qemu-img resize -f raw /home/images/100/vm-100-disk-0.raw 2200000000000' failed: exit code 1
(".raw datasize limited")
Soo, I actually need my drive(one drive) to be bigger than that solutions I thought about:
- creating 2TB mountpoint and somehow fuse them (don't know how)
- change the data type?
Hope you know some solutions to this, running out of ideas I can find a solution to (actually never had solutions I found something, haha ^^)
Thanks for reading. I am looking forward to hearing your ideas and solutions !!
LXC, mount and rootdisk sizes, are seemable limited to about 2TB.
- error if bigger: TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/qemu-img resize -f raw /home/images/100/vm-100-disk-0.raw 2200000000000' failed: exit code 1
(".raw datasize limited")
Soo, I actually need my drive(one drive) to be bigger than that solutions I thought about:
- creating 2TB mountpoint and somehow fuse them (don't know how)
- change the data type?
Hope you know some solutions to this, running out of ideas I can find a solution to (actually never had solutions I found something, haha ^^)
Thanks for reading. I am looking forward to hearing your ideas and solutions !!