
  1. B

    Vmware VM migration - bandwidth limit

    Hi everyone, I don't know if I'm the only one and if I have some misconfiguration on the VmWare or Proxmox side, but this is my situation: I would like to migrate virtual machines from a vmware cluster (version 8) to a proxmox version 8.2.2, I followed the document...
  2. Proxygen

    [SOLVED] BMLIMIT for ZSTD backups

    I know I can use zstd: N and I have BWLIMIT: 49152 set in /etc/vzdump.conf, but I am not sure zstd takes bwlimit in consideration. the process executing the back shows ... cstream -t 50331648 | zstd --rsyncable '--threads=2' ... I need to lower the bandwidth bc it's straining the disk and...
  3. V

    Can't clone CT from CT template

    Hi all! I'm a total n00b about Proxmox, started using it last week. I've created first CT template, and from it I've created a full clone without a problem. And then in that newly created CT I've done some other installations and I wanted to create a new template from it too. That went OK. But...
  4. H

    Bandwidth throttling for PVE backup job

    Hi, I got an issue with backups from my proxmox PVE system to a file share. The problem is, that the file share is on an older model HPE MicroServer. If I write to it over a long period of time with gigabit speed it tends to „take a break“ to write all the data to the disks. When copying from...
  5. C

    datacenter.cfg for bwlimit

    Hi! sorry my bad english. I am tryng to config a bwlimit for move, clone o restore a disk. i have read this options: bwlimit: [clone=<LIMIT>] [,default=<LIMIT>] [,migration=<LIMIT>] [,move=<LIMIT>] [,restore=<LIMIT>] at and i am tryng...


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