bios settings

  1. J

    Workaround for core watchdog issue on ASRock X670E motherboards

    Here are some breadcrumbs for anyone debugging random reboot issues on Proxmox 8.3.1 or later. tl:dr; If you're experiencing random unpredictable reboots on a Proxmox rig, try DISABLING (not leaving at Auto) your Core Watchdog Timer in the BIOS. I have built a Proxmox 8.3 rig with the...
  2. C

    BIOS Optionen neuer Proxmox Server

    Guten Abend zusammen, nun habe ich endlich meinen neuen Proxmox Server zusammengebaut :) Anbei die Komponenten: Mainboard: Gigabyte MC12-LE0 CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X RAM: 4X 32GB DDR4 ECC ASUS Hyper M.2 X16 Gen 4 Cardmit 2...
  3. N

    SpeedStep and Proxmox Anomaly

    Hello, New user to Proxmox, great software. I have a question regarding Intel SpeedStep® Technology and Proxmox. Everytime I enable Speedstep, to enable Turbo boost, after about 15 minutes, the Proxmox server stops responding, no access to the VM's, no access to the webgui, no access to local...