
  1. G

    Second backup server best practices?

    Hi all, I'm currently running one PBS for my cluster, which stores data on an NFS share backed by an enterprise-grade QNAP storage. Everything went fine until about two weeks ago, when I noticed some scheduled backups were starting to file sometimes. Also, I see that when I browse VM backups...
  2. D

    Permission denied (os error 13) after adding synology nfs share

    Hi, I've some problems adding my synology nas nfs share as a proxmox backup server datastore. The nfs share is mounted in "/mnt/backup-nfs" and seems to be accessible without any problems. Also "df -h" shows the share: After adding the share in pbs as a datastore it seems to work without any...
  3. F

    Zugriff auf Datastore Content sehr langsam

    Hallo zusammen, seit Anfang des Jahres benutzen wir den PBS um nächtlich unsere Maschinen zu sichern und behalten pro Maschine nur die 10 letzten Backups. Dies funktioniert bis jetzt auch Problemlos, jedoch gibt es ein großes Problem. Jeden Morgen aufs neue benötigt es ungemein viel Zeit die...
  4. S

    get datastore free space

    Hello dears i want get datastore free space in PBS in CLI but i cant. I expect getting free space with command like below but i cant: "proxmox-backup-manager datastore show <name>" please help me thanks