amd epycs

  1. M

    [SOLVED] How important is having all Intel/all AMD CPUs in a cluster?

    I'm looking to setup a PVE cluster, mostly for the benefit of being able to move VMs from one machine to the other and for high availability. In reading the PvE8 admin guide I came across this line: This is a real bummer since I have a mixed Epyc and embedded Xeon CPU environment. I have...
  2. UdoB

    [SOLVED] Mixed cluster with Intel+Amd: any chance for live migration? [Solved by: not really possible]

    Hello everybody, while there are already several threads regarding Intel & Amd in a mixed cluster I am not sure about the current state. Most threads I've read drift away in one or another direction. So please forgive me if you feel this has already been discussed enough... My cluster is...
  3. J

    Dell R7525 with AMD Epyc 74F3 Clock based rate 3.2Ghz

    Dear Teams, Please help to advice if above hardware are fully compatible with Proxmox Virtual Environment? Any update will be fully appreciated. Thanks Best Regards, Jhonny