
  1. S

    Bug after upgrade 7.3

    Hello, after upgrading Proxmox 7.2 to 7.3.3 through the web interface, requests for resource retrieval are all 500 errors and return '{"data":null}'. My node isn't in a cluster.
  2. P

    [SOLVED] After upgrade to 7.3.3, GPU passthrough not working

    Here is my step: 1) Fresh install a 7.2 version PVE 2) Upgrade to 7.3.3 3) Reboot it, that will show a "Proxmox Virtual Environment (5.15.74-1-pve)" in gurb. 4) Change the config from Proxmox official tutorial to enable PCI passthrough 5) Reboot 6) Restore a VM to run it with GPU passthrough...