
  1. M

    VM migrate fails with message nfs volume is not online

    We have a setup of three node proxmox cluster and NFS VMstore is used to store the vm also a nfs iso volume added in to the cluster. Currently there are three VM's on this cluster and while we migrating vm from one node to another node some times it is failing by saying that nfsiso or vmstore...
  2. Dexogen

    PVESM got timeout 6.1

    Hi, There are 18 nodes in our cluster. During the upgrade from version 5.4 to 6.1-7, there was a problem with a timeout. For any operations with storage lists, a delay of up to 30 seconds occurs. But after a while the list is loading (see screenshot). Moreover, there are no problems on the old...
  3. B

    How to clean up a bad ceph config and start from scratch?

    What is the best way to clean up a bad ceph config and start from scratch without rebuilding the Proxmox server (as everything else works fine)? (This is Proxmox VE 6.1) Configured a ceph cluster that was working, although monitors for some reason were showing up twice in the Proxmox GUI, one...
  4. M

    Proxmox 6.1 release fat bug with LVM?

    * New installation on the server, on the first disk. No problem. Reboot. Connecting to WebGUI - OK. * Also, i am connect via ssh, from the remaining disks I create Soft RAID 6( don't ask why, it just happened))) ). The result is a raid disk of more than 4 Tb (/dev/md0). * Next. I make : pvcreate...
  5. L

    Trouble with GPU Passthrough on 6.1

    Hello, I'm struggling to get my first ever Proxmox system setup. I can get to the point where a windows 10 guest sees the 1070 ti, but I cannot get rid of the code 43 error. I've tried all sorts of troubleshooting including args, passing the rom through, uninstalling and reinstalling drivers...
  6. A

    Can't create VM on Proxmox 6.1!

    Hello, I can't create VM from a template neither in the cluster with subscription, nor in cluster without it... I get the same error: # qm clone 105 135 Use of uninitialized value $nodename in hash element at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Cluster.pm line 724. Use of uninitialized value $nodename in...
  7. T

    [6.1-5] Weird LXC behaviour : systemd doesn't start any service

    Hi everyone, first post here sorry if i miss some rules, I played with LXC before but i just tried it in proxmox this weeks. All the CT i used are on Debian Buster and are setup via the proxmox webui. I got a strange behaviour on every LXC container i try to run : - I create an unprivilege...
  8. K

    Systemupdate auf VE 6.1 und "A disk read error occurred ..."

    Hallo zusammen, nach nun doch erfolgreicher Installation und Zurückspielen der gesicherten images möchte ich kurz hier etwas anmerken, bevor andere auch suchen: Die alte Version des Servers war ein Proxmox 3.1 - von diesem wurden von den VMs und Containern "normale" Backup erstellt. Die neue...
  9. S

    proxmox 6.1 gpu passthrough not working.

    I succeeded to passthrough my gpu with the following settings in proxmox 6.0 but I can't get it work on proxmox 6.1. my pc parts are as follows ====================================================================================== motherboard: x570 aorus elite gpu slot 1: rtx 2070 super gpu...