
  1. T

    [SOLVED] Can't see snapshots in web console

    Hi All, When I click on a VM and then go to "Snapshots", I can click on the "Take Snapshot" button and a prompt appears asking if I want to include RAM, add a title and give it a description. After click "Take Snapshot" [Blue within prompt] it shows a progress bar that fills multiple times and...
  2. D

    Upgrade from 5.X to 6.1 LXC with PVE 5.4

    I have a 5 node Proxmox Virtual Environment currently running at version 5.4-13 I have a 2 node PMG service that I also run based on LXC containers. Am I able to update the existing LXC containers (as supplied by the Proxmox team) to the latest version of Buster and Proxmox 6.1 while still...
  3. J

    Upgraded to 5.4-13 and Windows VMs wont boot

    Im fairly new to proxmox and before i had updated to the latest version from apt-get, all my vms were working fine, but after the update all windows vms will not boot. The error that shows is this kvm: kernel doesn't allow setting HyperV VP_INDEX TASK ERROR: start failed: command '/usr/bin/kvm...