I have the exact same setup on another server where it only uses around 2GB/8GB ram, and dont see the buff/cache use.
I mean, there is still 6GB ram available, why does the vm not use that it instead of buff/cache stuff?
I would not know why it needs the 4.9Gi in buff/cache if there is still...
When you over allocate for example 1 vm alot then the proxmox host will reserve this memory for that host.
My host machine 'lost' alot of memory while the vm's weren't actually using it.
proxmoxhost# free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
I also still have the issue on my debian vm using alot of buff/cache and not releasing it. Proxmox thinks I use ~80% but in reality it's all buff/cache.
Some say to active release some, but I'm looking for a more definite solution
# free -h
total used free...
Think it's the balloon function reserving the ram that COULD be used for the vm's.....except, does it also release ram for the host itself.
In other words, can assigning too much ram to the vm's (without the vm's really using the ram) be a problem for the host ?
Or will proxmox always 'protect'...
84% memory in use with kvm process on host. Two vm's only using around 17G ram.
Who knows what is going on ?
Two vm's showing 10GB in use and 6GB in use.
The host itself shows 61GB in use?
Free -h on the host showing the same:
Here is the strange part , a kvm process that uses 84% of...
Okay good to know but is this ifreload tool aware that it needs to recreate the virtual tab devices again like described above?
Now you still need to do it manually or like suggestion by a script after interface reload: "brctl addif vmbr0 tap102i0 "
This works but is probably not the way. Also how to make this dynamically instead of manually adding lines.
brctl addif vmbr0 tap102i0
brctl addif vmbr0 tap103i0
brctl addif vmbr0 tap104i0
brctl addif vmbr0 tap105i0
Can it be known in advance which names for devices are...
Think I found the reason and workaround: https://serverfault.com/questions/823421/why-do-i-need-restart-a-vm-after-restarted-a-bridge-to-get-network-working
Another case: https://serverfault.com/questions/322536/kvm-guests-lose-connectivity-after-networking-restart
@Vengance you were right. I rebooted the server and then they all work!
Howto add ip's to the host config interface without rebooting the whole host ? should ifdown ifup not be enough?
As soon as I add an additional from that other subnet:
"up ip route add dev vmbr0"
and ifdown vmbr0 && ifup vmbr0 then the first one will break and the added one will work.
( Does anybody have examples showing the complete interface setup with multiple single ip's from...
Hi Proxmox community!
I've been reading and found alot of examples but not the solution I'm looking for. (Or at least I was not able to solve my problem with the examples)
I ordered 1 ip at hetzner and a few days later another few. First one works but can't seem to get the second with...
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