Ok thats the problem, I tried to use my existing datastore which is a ntfs partition. In past I had a script to mount / unmount and edit datastore.cfg to make it possible use removable datastores. NTFS UUIDs looks different.
Would be nice if we can test if it still works with ntfs, my UUID is a...
Hello, thanks for this nice new feature. But I always get "Error: parameter verification failed - 'backing-device': value does not match the regex pattern"
Some interesting,
I think it can be the problem.
When our LXC backups running it fills up the root disk.
I resized pve/root, and will take a look again.
Some days later bug is back, same node same time:
Mar 23 01:38:54 host03 ceph-mon[1327]: [239B blob data]
Mar 23 01:38:54 host03 ceph-mon[1327]: PutCF( prefix = paxos key = '2403805' value size = 728)
Mar 23 01:38:54 host03 ceph-mon[1327]: PutCF( prefix = paxos key = 'pending_v' value size = 8)...
@biotim thanks for this tip!
It's very strange, another node triggered the problem.
# pvecm status
Cluster information
Name: cluster01
Config Version: 8
Transport: knet
Secure auth: on
Quorum information
Date: Fri...
Hi everyone,
we are using ceph for some days now. Now the VMs running but ceph seams "offline", the overview shows "got timeout (500)". (on every node)
# pveceph status
command 'ceph -s' failed: got timeout
# ceph -s
2024-03-22T07:58:06.965+0100 736240a846c0 0 monclient(hunting)...
I create some backups with the proxmox-backup-client, when there are not encrypted I can download a single file from the PBS webgui.
Is there a way to do this also with encrypted host backups?
our pmg does not block the mails from the user blacklist.
I think it should set the SPAM score to 100 but it's 0.
proxmox-mailgateway: 8.0.1
pmg-api: 8.0.7
pmg-gui: 4.0.2
pve-kernel-6.2: 8.0.5
proxmox-kernel-helper: 8.0.3
pve-kernel-5.15: 7.4-4
proxmox-kernel-6.2.16-14-pve: 6.2.16-14...
Seams a bug in a upgraded package... Same here on three nodes... reboot fixed it.
root@host03:~# systemctl status pvescheduler.service
● pvescheduler.service - Proxmox VE scheduler
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pvescheduler.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Wie hast du Proxmox installiert? Mit der ISO / USB Stick oder "on top off Debian"?
Die Datei sollte auf keinen Fall leer sein, ansonsten steht dir keine Netzwerkverbindung zur verfügung.
Du kannst den Treiber mit apt purge r8168-dkms auch wieder...
Es ist möglich das sich dadurch die Namen deiner Netzwerkkarten ändern, dem zufolge müsstest du deine Netzwerkkonfiguration anpassen.
Mit dem folgenden Befehl kannst du dir die Adapter auflisten: ip a
Netzwerkkonfiguration findest du hier:
nano /etc/network/interfaces
(Nach der Anpassung ist...
Du musst das "non-free" repository hinzufügen und anschließend das Paket installieren.
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian bookworm main contrib non-free
apt update
apt install r8168-dkms
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